Social Media

Friday, January 28, 2011


Symbaloo is a social bookmarking website that you create an account on, add all your favorite websites to, and access it from anywhere! You could have different sections for school, personal, games, etc. I like it so much that I've made it my home page!
Click here to go to Symbaloo!


ImageChef is a website where you can have a lot of fun! You can create banners, personalized pictures and frames, drawings, and much more. These pictures and animations can be put on facebook, your website or blog, or sent to someone.

Below are some things I created for Valentine's Day coming up. I had fun!

Click here to be creative on ImageChef!!! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wordle is a tool you can use to create a word collage. You can arrange the words, make important words bigger, and make the words colorful. You could post this on your blog or social networking site.

The ones I created above is for Valentine's Day. I included my boyfriend, love words, and cool colors.
Click here to make your own!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


An avatar is a character you can create on different websites like WeeWorld, Meez, Build Your Wild Self, or Simponizeme. You can make them look like yourself, changing their hair, skin color, clothes, eyes, and much, much more. You would use an avatar on your website to represent yourself, but still have privacy.

The pictures to the right are avatars that I have created. As you can see, there is so much variety with what you can do on these websites.

Click here to create your own avatar!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Social Media Usage

Currently, I use the internet to connect with friends, upload pictures, and play games on Facebook. Also, I like to shop for clothes, electronics, and cars. My family and I have kept a blog up since my accident, to keep friends and family updated on my progress and surgeries.